I like to think I'm a bit of a historian. Certainly not in the formal sense but definitely someone who revels in the idea that found items have a history. They've been places, seen things and most likely have been a part of a conversation or two. Antique and vintage items hold tight to the power of the past. Teaching us about silly inventions, things we thought we didn't need and fabulous ideas that have fallen to the wayside. I enjoy browsing my favourite spots to see if I can find something I can't live without. Most times when I find something, I know in my heart I can live without it but, the truth is I don't want to. The joy is in the find and my passion is ignited when I discover the perfect spot for a new piece.
Most recently after a long hiatus of not shopping during the pandemic, I was perusing one of my local treasure troves and came across a lamp I thought was attractive. Boasting original teak wood that was showing its years and a bit of white stucco that spoke of the time period when such a lamp would have been popular. A whole $12.00 and I made my way up to the cash register to purchase. Imagine my delight when I learned there was a 35% off store-wide sale. I proudly bought my lamp for a whopping $8.12. I had to think awhile about where I might place my invaluable find and what shade I had on hand to provide the finishing touch. A little sanding and some Varathane, some appreciation for the process mixed with a great amount of enthusiasm and voila! I found my missing piece.